Dry Aqua Massage Bed Hire

  • Dry Aqua Massage offers all the benefits of traditional relaxtion massage therapy minus the messy bits…

    • No touching.

    • No undressing.

    • No oils.

    • No getting wet.

    • You literally hold the therapist in your hands and you apply the pressure where you want it, when you want it.

    Dry Aqua Massage may assist in:

    • Reducing levels of stress & anxiety

    • Decreasing muscle spasms

    • Providing muscle relief

    • Alleviating symptoms of fibromyalgia & arthritis

    • Improving and increases blood circulation

    • Reducing and even eliminates pain

    • Increasing range of motion & flexibility

    • Detoxifing the body

    • Stimulating pressure points

    • Releasing endorphins

    • Improving sleep

    • Increasing levels of energy

  • Minimum Hire Time: 6 Months

    Cost Per Week / Month: Quoted at time of order

    Transport: Quoted at time of order

    Distilled Water: Quoted at time of order